dinsdag 15 december 2009

christmas decoration

For the winterfair I made a couple of wooden stars and christmas trees, very simple in shape and form, but I often like simplicity. For instance, this star would be nice on a mantelpiece, combined with some candles and a flower maybe. They are not on my website but they are for sale for 5.95 euro.

Are you also enjoying these days of Advent? Those days for the christmas holidays... here in the Netherlands it is freezing and we might be able to skate on ice this weekend!

vrijdag 11 december 2009

Some pictures of the winterfair

We really had a nice time at the winterfair. After having settled in, and being satisfied with the result, we enjoyed the large amount of visitors, the good conversations with our neighbours and the many christmas lights.

Thanks all of you who came to visit! And "fijne feestdagen"!


maandag 30 november 2009

Winterfair 6-9 December!


From the 6th until the 9th of December I am presenting my paintings and gifts at the Winterfair at gardencentre "Vaarderhoogt" in Soest. In some small picturesque houses, in Anton Pieck style, they have created several shops. So please be welcome! Find more information on www.vaarderhoogt.nl.

dinsdag 24 november 2009

Some reflection on my way of painting

copyright by ZIZO label

I have always been creative, I think what I enjoy most about the process of creativity is developing new ideas, creating something new. I have a couple of notebooks in which I write down my ideas; a colour of a dress, a colour combination or a pattern can already make me start thinking about ideas. Often one idea leads to 5 other possibilities, it is endless. They just pop up in my head. It is sometimes tiring though…
When I paint I often start with a colour combination or a movement. I think I would describe my technique as intuitive painting, I start and then make movements, use different techniques and take a step back to look at the result, at the balance, the exciting parts. And then sometimes things start to happen, or have happened, and I ask myself: how did I do it??

I have learned a lot during the courses I followed (by Cinzia Bailo, http://www.cinziabailo.com), by just doing it, by looking at other people’s choices of colour. You never stop learning and the ideas are endless…

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donderdag 19 november 2009

A while ago I was in France, peeping through one of the windows in the street... and this is what I saw: a small studio where they were working with leather. The light was real soft, so this magical photo had to be taken.
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maandag 16 november 2009

nice store: restored!

A couple of weeks ago I went to good old Amsterdam (I have lived there for almost 6 years) to make a tour in the city in the area of the Haarlemmerstraat. I read a lot about all the small shops in this area, which are often owned by artists and designers.
One of them is RESTORED, www.restored.nl, a nice little shop where a collective of young designers sell their hand-made products, for instance bags, chairs, wallets, scarfs etc. Small shop, but unique!
Another one I really liked in the same street is Het Grote Avontuur, the interior was very creative with attention to detail and with some humor in it too.
Accidentally we ended up in a real Amsterdam-market, I don't know whether it was de Noordermarkt, or de Lindengrachtmarkt... but those people... down-to-earthhabitants of Amsterdam. They made me smile...

donderdag 5 november 2009

really cute pictures/prints from little Z

This is one of the really nice prints made by Lisette from Little Z, she can make these prints also with a name on them. You can then use these prints to make your own cards, envelopes, tags and so on. I really like them because they are simple, but cute. You can check her website

dinsdag 3 november 2009

it was great!

The exhibition was great!
There was lots to see, people were having a good time, having a sip of their drink and tasting one of the bruschetta's or fish-toasts. I really enjoyed talking with everyone and learning from all the tips, opinions and so on. Thanks for being there!
Maybe I'll post some pictures later on...

donderdag 8 oktober 2009

exhibition on the 31st of October

On Saturday the 31st October I will hold my first exhibition. I am looking forward to it. So many people have asked me about my style, about my work, and therefore I will show the different things I do.
My husband Siegurd will make really enjoyable snacks and drinks, so it will be a joyful gettogether! The exhibition is in a nice old farmhouse which is now in use as an office, so if you like to come, please do!

31st October
Nw. Loosdrechtse dijk 105

woensdag 23 september 2009

some pictures of the moment

Hey, here are some of the pictures I took a couple of days ago, enjoy!

vrijdag 18 september 2009

"seize" the moment...

Okay, so how do you write that: seize, siege, [siiieess] the moment, I am at a loss here, I suddenly have no clue how to write that word... aah..
anyway: this morning started a bit cold here, only 6 degrees... But the sun was already there, so I took my camera and went for a small walk to capture this really lovely light of this early morning, and it was brilliant...
So I wanna tell you, seize the moment, go out and enjoy the sun, enjoy the light, enjoy those little glimpses of nature that can make your day... just do it, it may take you only 10 minutes, but do it!

Hand-made is one of the trends!

This week I read an article about the trends of next year, and one small part was about the trend of hand-made articles (or "handwerk" as they say in Dutch). They think that hand-made knitting, woodwork and so on will be THE thing in the nearby future, and that makes me happy of course. On the internet it is already a trend, and there are so many designers who make really nice things, I hope it will be a trend that will last!

dinsdag 15 september 2009

What I've been up to?

Hey, time goes by easily... What I've been up to? I am now at the moment preparing some paintings which will be exhibitioned in my brother's practice in Delft. I need to make a small portfolio for that with pictures, prices, information and so on.
I am doing some administration, I am working on an assignment for my aunt, I have finished two paintings which I am quite proud of (and happy to have finished... because the finishing touch took me a long time, and I would like to get on with some other ideas), I have been busy for church, and I am busy with making some ideas with textile.
Yesterday, my mind was in a sort of spin, because I had been working so concentrated that I felt a bit dizzy... But I am fine, don't worry.
The image is just one of a series of some drawing I have been doing with pastel crayons, the picture is a bit dark, but you'll get the idea.
Ok, on to work now... no I am not stressed, just spinning...

woensdag 2 september 2009


This Saturday my family is coming to visit my workstudio... so I'd better clean up, put some fresh flowers, show my paintings and so on. Lots to do!

vrijdag 28 augustus 2009

Spectacular skies

In one of my drawing lessons (pastel crayons), we had to focus on clouds. Drawing clouds is just not that easy, so I am often looking up to see the clouds and the skies and to try to memorize the colors for when I am drawing. One evening, I stepped into my garden, and looked up, and there was this amazing sky: imminent, strange colour, fading, depth, layers... well I just had to take a picture.


I have never learnt how to use a sowing-machine. My grandmother did teach me a lot of other skills like knitting, crocheting etc. but this machine... I don't know... I am just not that patient, at least that's what I thought of myself.

But hey, you never know when you haven't tried, so I am just practicing away and trying, and maybe after a slow start.. I will start enjoying it.

Just enjoying myself

Inspired by Heather Moore from South Africa, I enjoyed myself with some scraps of fabric. Fabric with which I did not know exactly what to do, but joined together in a pattern it looks kinda nice. I think about making a small children'sblanket or a bag with it...

maandag 17 augustus 2009

Another try for some photos...it worked!

Here are some of the photos of my trip to Bergen, a really picturesque village, typical Dutch and also near the beach! Many artists live here and the architecture of some of the houses is extraordinary, there is a small lane which is internationally known for the houses. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

First craft fair

Last Saturday, it was my first Craft Fair, and it was exciting. The weather was sunny and there were lots of people strolling along all the handmade products. I had done my best to make my place look really nice, and I think I succeeded...
Some friends and family came to visit, really nice, and a lot of people commented on the products. Which is for me a good learning process, I also find it interesting what people say about it, or what they comment on it. The children's paintings had a lot of interest, I often saw people smiling when they saw the small little animals. Some people were drawn by the abstract paintings and I think I almost sold one, but no....
I really enjoyed the fair, the contact with the visitors, the exchange of ideas and meanings, so until next year!

maandag 10 augustus 2009


It is a lovely morning today, there is no wind, easy sunshine and it is so quiet outside... I love it!
I have been reading some of the blogs I follow, it is so nice to read about the lives of creative people: what they're up to, what inspires them, what choices they make.
On the "buy handmade- website" I read a quote from Picasso:

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"

I love how art can open up one's soul, and go beyond that first look. It gives a new perspective on life, just as my faith in our Creator gives me a new and deeper perspective of life. I think people need to have their souls be washed clean, every now and then, so as to feel alive...

Enjoy your day, be inspired!

maandag 27 juli 2009

The beach and a nice Dutch village

This weekend I went to Bergen, a small village near the beach. I often read about it, and it is known for its artists and the architecture. Besides I wanted to go to the beach...!
It was lovely, a small typical Dutch village with small stores, beautiful houses and a really holiday-atmosphere... I brought my camera and I found this special-shaped window, I like it! And in a small street I found these fruits, neatly presented outside. I had to take these pictures.
And then we went to the beach, many Kite-surfers, strong wind and really nice!
We had a good time and the visit inspired me, I would like to go again...

I am now working on some children paintings and I have purchased some new fabric, just for some new ideas...

I am sorry, I can't get the photos uploaded, it takes forever and I am not so patient, I'm afraid...

maandag 20 juli 2009

a bit modest...

You know, I am enthusiastic about the things that I make, but I am also modest. Who am I, that people would like to buy my paintings...
I must remember that people buy my paintings because they really like them!
So I have decided for myself to pay attention to my own enthusiasm, and today I sold three of my children's animal paintings to friends of mine and they are happy with it. They emjoy making their nursery comfy for the twins they will be receiving. And that makes me happy! :-)

donderdag 9 juli 2009


Hi, just wanted to let you know that I received a book about printing by Lotta Jansdotter. She describes how to make prints on textile, stationary and so on. Just seeing the pictures makes my head spinning full of ideas. Hope to make some time to start practicing...

dinsdag 30 juni 2009

summer and it feels busy

Temperatures are really warming up here, which is lovely... But there are too many ideas in my head to really enjoy it. Yesterday I spend a whole day making some lovely puppets with my mother. My studio/atelier is a mess because of all the projects and paintings I am working on at the same time... And I have to make pictures of all the new things created etcetera, all really nice things to do, but it feels busy! I'm gonna make a list, and try to make some structure... yes that's what I'll do!

woensdag 10 juni 2009

Inspiration from Sweden

Just recently returned from a holiday in Sweden. There is so much space and so few inhabitants, what a difference with Holland!
I wanted to go to Sweden because I read a lot about Swedish design and I wanted to see for myself. But I must say, I was a bit disappointed... It was hard to find anything. Shops were closed, or only 1 shop in a city. There are of course a lot of "hemsloyd's"; artist centres where hand-made products are shown and sold. And they were nice, but often closed, or very small. Even in Stockholm, it was hard to find the fabrics, paper, books etc. I did however go to the largest IKEA in the world, and it was amazing: what a space and what a products.

I do like the Swedish fabrics, and the culture of hand-made products, it is inspiring!
I'll just keep looking on the internet, for instance www.jansdotter.com, Lotta makes such nice things.

maandag 11 mei 2009

First time...

Wow, it is my first time in "blogging country"... having become a fervent reader of many craft-blogs, I now deciced it is time to start my own blog.
I just recently started my own "studio" in the Netherlands, enabling me to work with my creativity. My studio is called ZIZO label. Hope to tell you more about that in a short while...

see ya for now!