donderdag 28 februari 2019

ADAD #28: last one of this series

I made another composition, totally different, within a rectangular to limit the space:

And then I made it into a painting, just for fun:

You could say it is just a composition, or it is somewhere in a jungle, 
or it is reeds near water or...

So this "a drawing a day" project in February is over, not all of the drawings were a success,
but sometimes you just need to experiment and not think too much.
It has stimulated my creativity, and knowledge of materials.
I'll go back to painting now.

woensdag 27 februari 2019

ADAD #27: composition with painted paper

Matisse was an expert in making compositions with painted paper.
I also really enjoy doing this, on a smaller scale.
So I painted some small parts of paper and, when dry, started to cut shapes.
My first composition:

And then the next one adding just one other colour:

You just position them all around the paper to see which one is the one that is pleasing you.
I find that you just feel that the one is right, and the other is boring or all over the place.
Use small and larger shapes to have variation.

dinsdag 26 februari 2019

ADAD #26: inspiration from the landscape

The spring landscape starts showing some colours. This warm palette flared up.

I quickly made a small impression in watercolour:

It would be better in acrylics I think.

maandag 25 februari 2019

ADAD #25: the letter W

I drew some variations on the letter W. I have always drawn a lot of texts with my own letters.
Now that handlettering is so popular, you see all different kinds of variations.
It is just nice to think about shapes and how you can draw them.

zondag 24 februari 2019

ADAD #24: Pictures in a frame

I started with drawing a shape, rectangular or oval, so this would limit my possibilities for drawing.
Then I thought about how to fill them, it ended up in some small frames:

zaterdag 23 februari 2019

ADAD #23: a portrait

With a conté pencil I drew a small portrait. Nice material to draw with.

vrijdag 22 februari 2019

ADAD #22: blue eyes

Small drawing of the eye, very bright blue I know...
with a marker

and with a pencil

donderdag 21 februari 2019

ADAD 21: fruits from trees

A very healthy fruit from a tree is a walnut.
Unfortunately we do not have such a tree, but it is fun to just draw one of them.

and one of my favourites:

Eat an apple a day... I think I can live up to this.

woensdag 20 februari 2019

dinsdag 19 februari 2019

ADAD #19: ART graphics

I have been reading a book on calligraphy. I have always liked doing this.
Just experimenting with the materials is so much fun.
Here I used paint and permanent markers.

maandag 18 februari 2019

zondag 17 februari 2019

zaterdag 16 februari 2019

ADAD #16: Nuances

I just painted some colours together,
with a bit of overlap,
and then added a small drawing.

donderdag 14 februari 2019

ADAD #14: Valentine

This one is for Valentine's day, spread some love,
to your friend, your neighbour or a person you meet.

woensdag 13 februari 2019

dinsdag 12 februari 2019

ADAD #12: waiting for her

I made the picture darker, and now it seems as if he is waiting in the semi-dark for his date.
Probably after a hard day's work, but eager to meet her.

maandag 11 februari 2019

ADAD #11: Taxi!

In black and white, with an Ecoline pen:
a woman calling for a taxi. She is on her way home!

zondag 10 februari 2019

ADAD 10: a bunch of flowers

When the skies are grey for a long time, you just need some colour. 
With acrylics, pen and pencil I made this happy bunch:

And I think I'll buy a real one this week to add some colour to the living room.

zaterdag 9 februari 2019

ADAD 9: a blob birdie this time

And another one: after turning the blobs around for a bit, I saw the shape of a bird:

which turned into this one:

The fun in this exercise is, when you do this with a group 
you get so many different results, and they are really fun to look at.

vrijdag 8 februari 2019

ADAD 8: blob dog

Starting with some blobs of paint:

trying to see some shapes which could become something.
A nice exercise to stimulate creativity and loose drawing.

I saw this fluffy dog, sniffing its nose, so I used my Sharpie-pen to draw it.
It is like a dog you have never seen...

donderdag 7 februari 2019

ADAD 7: A full Nutella jar

A more international brand, this yummy chocolate paste, I made an impression of the jar:

And with watercolour:

#nutella #chocolatepaste

woensdag 6 februari 2019

ADAD 6: a Dutch dessert

I used one of the grocery brochures as a reference.
This is a kind of old fashioned dessert,
which is still eaten in the Netherlands.
So without colour:

and with some watercolour:

MELKUNIE is a well-known brand for dairy products.

dinsdag 5 februari 2019

ADAD 5: tangerines

And here are some tangerines, a bit of a boring shape,
but in a happy colour:

I used acrylic paint, a marker and colour pencils.

maandag 4 februari 2019

ADAD 3 and 4: fruit

I skipped one day, so I made two drawings/paintings,
this time the sunny colours of the mango fruit caught my eye:

I used acrylic paint, and a marker and pencil. Two slightly different styles.
I like to draw the same object several times, each time in another technique or style.

vrijdag 1 februari 2019

February: a drawing a day #1

The month of February has been a project for a couple of years. 
I try to make a drawing each day and post it here. Just to experiment and see what I come up with.
I thought about a theme but nothing came up...
So this is the first one, drawn with Ecoline pens:

The light to take pictures was terrible...