maandag 28 januari 2019

One line drawing

I find it nice to challenge myself and just try new things.
There is an exercise to draw objects in one line, without taking your pen of the paper.
I tried this with portraits and it is fun. I then took some of them 
and added some extra lines and some colour.

You learn to experiment, to loose perfection,
to make a drawing your own,
and so much more.
Carla Sonheim inspired me with her book Drawing Lab, find more info on her here.

maandag 21 januari 2019

maandag 14 januari 2019

Frost, cold and the Alps

Winter colours can be so blue and cold,
and sometimes almost black and white.
We spent a holiday in the white Alps,
enjoying the winter.

maandag 7 januari 2019


Looking forward to lots of free colour inspiration,
like this picture, taken in the garden:

dinsdag 1 januari 2019

New year

A fresh year ahead of us: what projects and creativity will it bring?
I hope for nice encounters and improvement of techniques.
And you?