donderdag 26 april 2012

Open Studio in Loosdrecht

Saturday 28th April I open up my studio for some Spring feeling. Welcome to swing by for a chat, a cup of coffee and a look around some new paintings and products! Open: 10.00-17.00 hours (Nieuw Loosdrechtsedijk 106).
Oh, and my struggle with the assignment of the interpretation of a classical painting (see last blog) turned out okay! I started afresh and interpretated it my way in a sort of illustrative graphic manner. I am quite pleased with the outcome, hope to show it one day...

dinsdag 17 april 2012

Busy with...

I am preparing for a textile workshop, brainstorming about creative ways to approach the subject, my favourite part!

And I am also brainstorming about a rather difficult assignment: how to bring classic paintings to the 21st Century? Because I do not have a clue until this moment, I started with getting to know the painting of Johannes Vermeer, "Girl with the pearl earring" and quickly made a start with painting her. It is not finished and I do not know whether I will be using this classic painting, mmm, struggling... but as they say: it is part of the process...

dinsdag 3 april 2012

Fabric, fabric and new bags

I am up to my ears in fabric! You should see my studio, it's fabric everywhere. I am making many new summery bags for my open studio-days and for the fairs this summer. I have gathered a lot of fabrics, and it is nice to combine different patterns into new colourful bags.