maandag 13 mei 2024


Trying to find the right blue for my forget-me-nots... I used watercolour by Winsor and Newton but my blues were too dark, so I mixed and diluted with water until I found the right one. And so I spent an hour making handpainted cards to sell in my studio. 

I glue these mixing palettes in my sketchbook, they are a great reminder of the process.

maandag 6 mei 2024

Apple tree blossom: part 2

 Another post on the apple tree, I continued with the painting and it turned out like this:

I gave it more depth and worked on the background. I also highlighted the blossom with some white touches. But I looked for a different interpretation and started the next one of the same apple tree and it turned out totally different:

The purple background (because why not?) gives it a sort of magical glow. I think I am looking for my interpretation and what spikes my interest. The last one is more me I think. Let's see what comes next...