At the moment I am reading this book by Gretchen Rubin: "Life in five senses: how exploring the senses got me out of my head and into the world". It tells how being aware of your senses (smell, touch, sight, taste and hearing) gives depth and focus to your life. She investigates each sense separately and gives herself assignments to see what it does to her and her senses. So the first thing she decided to do was to step into that nearby Museum every day. In the beginning the Museum has so many things to offer but after a while you start to notice other things: that one painting which draws your attention every time, or the beautiful displays or the sound of the visitors or that specific smell... etcetera. You notice things.
And for me, this is so closely related to creativity and to making art. To paint, you look. To paint, you imagine. To paint, you feel (structures, softness) and you translate it to your work. And it works the other way around: when you create, you start noticing your senses, and you train your senses.
My interest into Senses has started through creating, but organizing an exhibition on Plants in the Bible and their significance drew my attention even more. So I am just deepening my knowledge and this book has been interesting and fun to read.