dinsdag 25 januari 2022


 Uitwaaien, a Dutch word for: 

Clearing your (foggy) head by walking in the wind (definition by me).

It can be stormy weather in the Netherlands, we are quite used to it, but moan about it a lot :). Through rain and wind you see people outside, walking, biking, enjoying. A perfect way to breathe in, to let go, to empty your mind. A half hour a day is recommended for your physical and mental health. Why not start now?

In my sketchbook I chose this word for some expressive exercise. As a reminder to myself.

maandag 17 januari 2022

On the painting desk

 At the moment I am painting small things, experimenting a bit with materials and techniques. This is what the result looks like for now:

I have a lot of other ideas to work out, but staying focused on one subject is a task for me at the moment. So I am glad with each exercise or creative result, just to keep it flowing.

maandag 10 januari 2022

Leonardo - the series

 I have been watching the series about Leonardo da Vinci (production by TV5 and more) and I found it beautiful. I did not know much about his life and about himself. The series is beautifully made, and played. I can truly recommend it. Aidan Turner plays Leonardo, and wow, he is impressive.

More information you can find here: Leonardo

maandag 3 januari 2022

Sketchbook fun

 Ah, just some colours and lines and look how much fun you can have, working in your sketchbook, free from opinions, politics. Just making something, maybe without purpose, and maybe with a purpose I do not know yet. At least I am learning, enjoying and feeling inspired. Join in, and start your own creative journal.

Part of the result, materials used permanent marker and acrylics: