zondag 28 februari 2021

ADAD #28: collage

Some small drawings end up in a frame. These are in my studio, a spot of inspiration. 

I enjoyed making a drawing each day, it always urges you to try, do, draw and you learn from it. Also from the mistakes. For me the drawings do not need to be perfect, art is all about trial and error and creating, and not about perfection for me. When I am teaching children I always notice that some want it to be perfect from the start, they compare and are disappointed when they seem to have failed. But they can get through that. After some lessons they let go of perfectionism and enjoy making more, which is a joy for me.
So, now into March, looking forward to more green, birds and butterflies.
I will keep posting once a week, see you here!

zaterdag 27 februari 2021

ADAD #27: leaves

This drawing was more autumn related, with a purple Sharpie-pen in the same Talens sketchbook. I tried some different shapes of leaves.

vrijdag 26 februari 2021

ADAD #26: spring

Spring is in the air, so drawing flowers is an easy option. Made this one with an orange Sharpie-pen in a small Talens sketchbook.


donderdag 25 februari 2021

ADAD #25: girl in watercolour

Today's drawing is a girl with an XL knitted hat. 

Love this sienna colour for portraits, it adds something soft.

dinsdag 23 februari 2021

ADAD #23: sweater design

 What if you have to come up with a sweater design? Maybe something diagonal? And then in different colour combinations? Could look like this...

maandag 22 februari 2021

ADAD #22: imaginary

 I made a drawing of an imaginary butterfly :), why not?

In summertime there are a lot of butterflies in the vegetable garden, and I have seen a lot of caterpillars waiting to become butterflies. So I bought a book on the different species to learn more about them. They have so many details. But anyways, this one does not exist... only on paper.

zondag 21 februari 2021

ADAD #21: softer

Thinking of beaches, I chose some softer colours. This is a bay with a dune flower bed. This reminds me of a holiday in Portugal.

In Portugal we saw a lot of pink flowers, it turned out they were not native but had come with the tide. Although they were beautiful, they were starting to take over the dunes.

zaterdag 20 februari 2021

ADAD #20: abstract 2

Another colour combination. Strong colours, watercolourpaint and pencils. 

vrijdag 19 februari 2021

ADAD #19: abstract

The square format sticked with me, and I filled it up with bright strong colours of waterpaint.

I then used pencils to create more contrast and structure. I like it. Just enjoy making, seeing what experimenting brings you. 

donderdag 18 februari 2021

ADAD #18: wobbly lines

With ecoline I painted a base, let it dry, and then decided what to with it... I started following the wobbly lines. It looks a bit like the mosses which I am painting. Nature can create such beautiful combinations.  

woensdag 17 februari 2021

ADAD #17: landscape

Today it is a little pen drawing of an icy landscape, up in Norway. I used pencils to look for the different types of blue. It is a picture of instagram from the account @lilleviklofoten, they rent out a cute cabin in a very beautiful landscape. Maybe, someday...

dinsdag 16 februari 2021

ADAD #16: In the woods

With my Micron pen I practiced drawing this girl. I saw a picture of her, running in the woods. 

maandag 15 februari 2021

zondag 14 februari 2021

ADAD #14: new day

 We often make mistakes, fortunately we can start over. Each day is a new day. 

Wishing you a happy Valentine's day!

zaterdag 13 februari 2021

ADAD #13: outdoors

 I love being outside, and while it is winter here, it is summer on the south side of the world. This made me think of sunsets on the beach...

vrijdag 12 februari 2021

ADAD #12: ehm...

 Ehm... while trying out new things you can also create something unexpected. I don't know what to think of this. but hey, it is the process, and I enjoyed making it. 

Made with acrylics, markers and pencil:

donderdag 11 februari 2021

ADAD #11: wallpaper pattern

Today it is a drawing of grapevine, made with pencils on acrylics. It sort of looks like wallpaper. When I was little, my room had a wallpaper with lots of drawings on it, I often looked at it. Follow the lines, see the colour combinations.


woensdag 10 februari 2021

ADAD #10: mark making in green

Thinking of: Spring, fresh green, birds in the sky, reed, lakes...

just a couple of months away...

dinsdag 9 februari 2021

ADAD #9: flower play

Some playing around with watercolour and colourpencils, forebode of Spring ;).


ADAD #8: a portrait

This drawing was made with a Sharpie pen, a permanent pen and great for making drawings.

zondag 7 februari 2021

ADAD #7: a woman

While the snow is falling outside and our world turned into a white colour, I am posting this drawing of a sophisticated woman with a furry coat and cap. I like her. 

zaterdag 6 februari 2021

ADAD #6: And some more pears

 I like drawing with Indian ink, especially because of the irregularity of the pen... obviously I started with too much ink on the first pear...

vrijdag 5 februari 2021

ADAD #5: Pears on a tree

I took my Indian ink and my pen to draw some pears. I need to practice more with the pen, it is not working the way I want it to.


donderdag 4 februari 2021

woensdag 3 februari 2021

ADAD #3: hats

A folklore hat, inspired by the colours of the Sami people from northern Scandinavia:


dinsdag 2 februari 2021

ADAD #2: hats

A fluffy knitted hat, maybe in some boucle pattern, soft and warm: 

maandag 1 februari 2021

A drawing a day in February

 This month I will be making a small drawing a day, just for fun. I am starting with some winter hats, there are so many different ones.