maandag 27 december 2021

The new year

It is still a bit grey outside, and the end of the year is approaching. Which also means that a new year is coming. I want to make the best of it. Even though plans may be changed, I want to search for the positives: for me, my business but also for those close by. We need hope, comfort and joy. So that is how I am starting the New Year.

To you I am sending:

maandag 20 december 2021


 Wow, it is pretty grey here. Winter is showing its different faces. So when there is some sunshine I go out for a walk. And sometimes you find surprises, like snow and fog in the morning. And because there are not many people about, and nature is being silent, it is magical...

maandag 13 december 2021

Sketchbook page

 A page from my sketchbook: on the left some playing around with acrylic paint, on the right some drawings with an old Calligraphy pen (Sheaffer- brand).

I like the colour purple. A woman pointed that out to me on an Art market, she saw many shades of purple in my work. I also like green, and my art teacher did not like that colour at all, so when I started with green, she could not watch me do it... :). Colours I do not use a lot are bright red and yellow, I think. What is your favourite colour?

donderdag 2 december 2021

Christmas on the ETSY-online shopping hub

 On you find all sorts of handmade products, art, craft etcetera from all over the world. Each maker has its own shop, and purchasing items is quite easy, a bit like every online shop. I am also represented on ETSY (it is not my only channel though) and I am very happy with it. I can put my recent works out there in an instant and I have a worldwide audience. I have sold to Alaska, Australia and Hongkong through ETSY, wow, amazing, I never thought I would... Recently I am selling more to the Netherlands, which is also nice.

Find Christmas cards, small and large gifts, craft material, vintage and customized objects here on

You find my shop under the name of zizolabel.

dinsdag 23 november 2021

The process

During my open studio I took some in between time to just play around with some paper. From an ordinary magazine I started selecting nice colours and ripping the paper into strips. I like adding, glueing and seeing what results there are. 

For the second one I used a slightly different combination.

Glue and paper is all you need!

maandag 15 november 2021

Open studio

At the end of this week I open up my studio again for those who would like to visit. You can see my workspace, and also a part of my studio is set up like a shop where you can buy small items like cards, notebooks and bracelets. And you can see a small part of my paintings which are on display. Contact me for more information.


maandag 8 november 2021

Looking down

Walking slowly, looking at your surroundings, focusing on what your eye catches, which colours you see and what you see below your feet: it unconsciously gives me references for structures, lines and combinations. For instance these pictures I took on a forest and lakeside walk:

maandag 1 november 2021

When it rains...

... go out! I did and went for a hike, it was quiet in the forest, not many people around (no birds either, they were hiding) but nice autumn colours. And ideas for paintings, compositions and colour combinations.  

maandag 25 oktober 2021

An old trick

 I used an old trick, which we also learned on elementary school, to make weird creatures. And once started I tried some more:

I like the first one the most, I added some water there which made the lines blurry.

Another one, in just one colour, I turned into this crab:

maandag 18 oktober 2021

Soft autumn light

 On a bikeride I stopped to visit an old mill in a picturesque village. Inside the soft autumn light shone through the window, beautiful stillness captured on camera.

Just sharing thhis small moment of joy :).

maandag 11 oktober 2021


 Sometimes you read a sentence and it hits you because you understand its meaning. I was reading an article about the work of an artist and they wrote: Art is about the way you see it. I read it again: Art is about the way YOU see it. The reason to make art is, amongst many other reasons, to show others how YOU see it. How you look at this tree, how you interpret this portrait. So we can all look at the same tree, but Art can show you how I see the tree. Often people want art that is realistic, that shows exactly the way a photo would look. But that is not art for me, it is a technical achievement for sure, but I like to see in art how YOU interpret it. This broadens my horizon and I like that.

So just to remind myself:

maandag 4 oktober 2021

Let's go outside

There is a favourite area which I revisit to walk and to enjoy the seasons. On an evening walk I spotted all the violet flowers in the field, I had not seen them before and am not sure what their name is. Three weeks later I visited the same spot and they had mown the whole (!) field, they were gone. I know it is the time to mow and the seeds will be there for next year, but I was so happy I had seen them flowering.

maandag 27 september 2021

Glossy magazines as inspiration

 The models in the glossy magazine are a great inspiration for drawing. This ballerina had a beautiful posture, so I made a simple drawing.

donderdag 23 september 2021

Saffron and cornflower

 I am still joining the Septemberchallenge of #coloricombo. My sketchbook is filling up with colours, I love it. The combination of saffron and cornflower reminded me of the Mediterranean coast with those magnificent pine trees. And since I am longing for a holiday, I painted myself a landscape view.

maandag 13 september 2021

Combination of two colours

 At the moment I am joining the #coloricombo challenge by Este Macleod, in which two colours are paired and you are challenged to only use those two.

This is indigo and mushroom for instance:

And this is lavender and mulberry...

It is not easy, first to think of what I will draw, and second to use colours which are sometimes very close to each other. The results are always a bit surprising, and that is what I like about it. You can still join or do the challenge for your own study.

maandag 6 september 2021

How about some carpet?

Just draw rectangles and start filling them with your imagination and preferred patterns. Use bold and light marks, and then add some watercolour, and this is what you might get... if you were me... ;).


maandag 30 augustus 2021

Palette of colours

Love this palette of colours (I save these scraps of paper too...), I added another layer to this still-life.

dinsdag 24 augustus 2021

A sweater, some shoes and...

In between fruit harvesting I am finding time to make some drawings by following a course by Alisa Burke. This time the idea is to draw your wardrobe, so I first drew this with pen:

And then in with watercolour:

I would not have thought about drawing my wardrobe, but when you start it seems to come easily, and the result is more fun than I expected :). Maybe I'll add some coloured pencil to it.

maandag 16 augustus 2021

Creative teaching

Today it was time for some drawing exercises on request, a custom lesson to stimulate creativity, to look at new ideas and to fill sketchbooks. Very nice to teach young children again :).

I have read a lot about creativity and what it does for your personal development, there are many important benefits. One of them: when you stimulate (by doing) the creativity in your brain, you learn to see more solutions. This can help children a lot in their thinking. 

maandag 9 augustus 2021

Going places

I am a biker, I bike a lot. It is probably easier when you work in your own village :), but taking groceries with you on your bike is more of a challenge :(. So I have two waterproof bike-packs and they can take a lot.

But my bike is also there to go out for inspiration, along those lovely bike-trails we have here. The weather may be a challenge sometimes, so I keep my eye on the forecast.

Here I go!

maandag 2 augustus 2021

Holiday mode

Wild flower meadows, sun, trees, ocre grasses... holiday mode is on...


maandag 26 juli 2021

Word play in the sketchbook

 Word play, another fun lesson by Alisa Burke. And so nice to just play around in your sketchbook and enjoying the process. I chose the word DEPTH on a sort of blue ocean tones. We need depth in our thinking, responsiblity, creativity and in our processes. We should not avoid it, or be afraid of it. It makes your life richer when friendships have depth, when you have taken time to think things over. It has worth.

maandag 19 juli 2021

Left-over paint

Sometimes I am left with little dots of paint. I use them to make backgrounds in my sketchbook, or as a base for something new.

Here I already knew I wanted to paint some flowers with this combination, so I painted the shapes, and when it was dry I added some coloured pencil strokes.


maandag 12 juli 2021

Portrait play

Another online course by Alisa Burke is called Portrait play. I followed this one some years ago, and now used one of her methods of experimenting with portraits. You look in magazines for faces which appeal to you. Here I liked the colours of her jacket. You glue it in your sketchbook and with paint and markers you make the portrait your own. I added a background, exaggerated the colours of her jacket and used markers for her face.

Up close you see I used different markers and added a white dot in her eyes. I am not completely happy with the end result, but I have made it my own and it is a good practice :).


maandag 5 juli 2021


The online lessons also inspire me to some other experiments. Playing with the colours in this still-life for instance, it is not finished and it has some flaws, so I will try to add some more layers.


dinsdag 29 juni 2021

From the sketchbook

 Still enjoying some online lessons, this time the inspiration was from carpet patterns. I had already made some umber backgrounds, unto which I added some patterns free-style.

For the right one I followed the patterns of the print I made, and then added some detail. I like the end result, probably also because purple and violet often come back as a favourite colour of mine.

maandag 21 juni 2021

The sun is out

 Last weekend my studio was open to visitors, and it was this type of weather:

Hot weather with lots of sunshine... luckily some lovely visitors came and it is always uplifting to speak with people who also love to create, make and enjoy art. Tips for exhibitions were exchanged. In between I had time to work and draw. Next open studio: this Saturday.

maandag 14 juni 2021

Beauty found

I saw this lilac bush on one of my walks:

strong and straight colours.


maandag 7 juni 2021

Rugs and creating a pattern

 I am still in the making mode of the online classes. One of them is drawing inspiration from rugs, and this is what I made in my sketchbook. First some painted paper as inspiration and preparation, and then drawing with permanent markers, thinking about rugs:

Another fun class by Alisa Burke.