maandag 31 augustus 2020


 A bunch of colourpencils, some designs on paper and just start colouring!

I love making things, and customizing your own decoration. So I designed a little project to make your own Christmas decoration by colouring. It is a small set of 6 circles which you have to colour yourself. I found it quite calming to do, and enjoyed picking and combining colours.

I have made three designs which I put in my Etsy-shop, I hope lots of people will enjoy this project:

maandag 24 augustus 2020

Paper play

 Paper in all types, coloured, used, folded keeps inspiring me. I was in need of some mindless making without thinking of results. I started with tearing up some coloured paper, added some other colours until I had a nice combination and then started to glue them in a composition. With the radio playing in the background it was a good meditative thing to do. And I like the result anyway ;). I made some other colour combinations and I have an idea what to do with them.

Starting with bits and pieces:

This is an in between picture:

woensdag 19 augustus 2020

Summer colours

 Summer weather and bright colours, enjoying these beautiful views! I did not alter the picture and I feel so much energy coming of this picture, I hope you feel it too.

I used colour pencils to draw the combination of colours:

maandag 10 augustus 2020

Dutch woodwork

In a museum I saw these beautiful clogs made with care, attention and creativity. This craft still exists and there are people and children who wear them, but they are a minority. It is mostly sneakers and boots nowadays here in the Netherlands.
These clogs are painted, chipped (woodcarving) or with a special design with heel for the special days:

zondag 2 augustus 2020

Failed pictures

Even pictures which did not turn out the way you wanted, can be made into something.
These fennel pictures turned out spherical: