donderdag 30 april 2020

Apple blossom

I looked up and saw...:

Just love to take pictures...
this one I took in our garden.
It is the blossom of our apple tree.

donderdag 23 april 2020

Books for inspiration

You should think I have time to read books,
but I am in the process of making at this moment... so I do not really have the focus for reading.
This book about Colour is one of those Books to be read.
I bought this in a museum and it is all about the history and making of colour.

There is so much to learn about Colour, I find it very interesting.
At the moment there is a lot of interest for dyeing with natural colours, 
so I am following up on those experiments.

Book "Colour. Making and using dyes and pigments.",
written by Francois Delamare and Bernard Guineau.

maandag 20 april 2020

The power of nature

While the COVID-virus is making us stay home,
nature is still going strong. 
Sunny days have given a boost to the flowers, birds and bees.
Sun, sun and sun,
it is nice to enjoy these beautiful days.

maandag 13 april 2020

Charcoal before and after

 I made my own charcoal, yeah!
I cut branches from the willow just outside my studio, debarked them (a bit of work...), 
cut them to size to put into a metal bin.

Then we put this bin on an open fire,
lots of steam comes out of it and after a while when the steam stopped,
we opened the bin and found lots of charcoal.

With a small drawing we tested the quality, and yes, I can use them, happy!

We used the tips from Nick Neddo, who wrote a book on the Organic Artist.

maandag 6 april 2020

Hands, hands, hands

As an exercise I have been collecting and making pictures of hands for inspiration and study.
I like the different poses, and the simple lines to put a hand into shape.

This is a good exercise for my figurative paintings. 
To paint hands is quite difficult, and the more you practice the shapes, the better I can paint them.