dinsdag 24 december 2019

Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

 Wishing you a Merry and Happy Christmas,
and lots of Light and Love for the New Year!
Wow, 2020 already, what will the twenties bring for us all...
I am hoping for peace, for warming encounters, 
for creativity to be part of happiness and solutions,
and for laughter and joy,
that we will care for each other, see each other and be hopeful!

Christien, ZIZOlabel

maandag 16 december 2019

Winter in the Northern hemisphere

Fog, frost and cold,
this can be the case here in the winters in the Northern 

It can be grey in colour... brrr.

but also a bit magical in black and white:

maandag 9 december 2019

And two other birdies

And I made two more birdies:

And this colourful one:

I love playing with this technique :).

maandag 2 december 2019

A drawing in between

Made two small drawings/paintings in my sketchbook, to try some techniques,
to enjoy the birds by looking at them in detail.
I first painted a rough colour background and then drew the details.

A small Robin, a loud and cosy bird, always staying close when I work in the garden:

A Kingfisher, small and colourful, never saw one in real life: