dinsdag 26 november 2019

CYBER sale on ETSY

It is Cyber SALE on ETSY and I am joining with my shop.
Get 10% discount from November 26- December 4.

maandag 25 november 2019

Kinetic art

Kinetic art is art from any medium that contains movement 
perceivable by the viewer or depends on motion for its effect. 

For this painting I thought of a movement, I expressed it myself while someone 
else photographed all the different motions, and then I made it into a kinetic art-painting. 
I like the dynamics of it, and the opening up-feeling.

dinsdag 19 november 2019

ETSYmade in NL - this Saturday!

This weekend it is ETSY made in NL.
In three cities you can meet the makers of ETSY and see their products.
I will be in Leeuwarden in the creative meetingplace Blokhuispoort.
From 11-17 hours you are welcome!

maandag 11 november 2019

Changing seasons

It is already November... time flies.
I did not have enough time for the vegetable garden this year.
Luckily I did pick some grapes,
and now the grape vine is putting on some bright colours right outside my studio.

maandag 4 november 2019

Beach finds

Found some small treasures on the beach in Italy,
which I can use for my Nature journal:

vrijdag 1 november 2019

Galaxy project of painted paper

I really like working with paper,
and when I have some paint left-overs I use them 
on left-over paper bits.... yes: I like to re-use and use the resources to the fullest!
It resulted in a galaxy project,
by designing and cutting tags and notebooks.
For sale in my booth at ETSYmade in NL in Leeuwarden on November, 23rd.
Yes, I really like those ETSY craft fairs, meeting the makers! And I like to be a part of them :).