dinsdag 31 mei 2016

Our neighbour cat

Our neighbour cat spends a lot of time in our garden, just some cat-sketches:


maandag 23 mei 2016

Working on portrait style... fun!

Recovering from a sort of flu, I took time to work through an online workshop by Alisa Burke.
Playing with portraits, it is so nice to just draw, see what comes out of your pen or pencil and to experiment.
One idea leads to another: why not use a thick brush, what if I use only blue?
Here are some of the results:

#alisaburke, #portraitplay, #zizolabel

dinsdag 17 mei 2016

Landscape lines in Portugal

So nice to see the way Nature has its own architecture, and lines in the landscape.
The westcoast of Portugal has special cliffs with a lot of eroded lines.
I am not specifically a landscape painter, but I have always enjoyed architecture.

vrijdag 6 mei 2016

Portuguese doors

Why do I photograph doors? 
Maybe because it is an entry to an unknown world,
and I am curious to what life it would lead...
These doors for instance: what would be behind them?

And then there was this door left open:

Photos were taken by me in small towns and cities in Portugal.