maandag 28 maart 2016

Landscape lines

Photography helps me in my art work. 
I see lines, compositions, colour combinations,
shapes and also emotions.
On a cold frosty and sunny morning I took time for a walk,
and ended up on a small road not far from my house.
It was quiet, no people, just this landscape and me.
The lines of the landscape caught my eye, the sense of freedom, 
of lines leading to somewhere not to be seen, and also dividing my picture.
The crisp blue with the ochre,
a boost of energy and inspiration!

zaterdag 12 maart 2016

In my studio: Painting in red

Using only the colour red to make a portrait, why not?

Part of my painting
I think I chose the colour red because of its energetic character, just to see what would happen.
Using the colour straight on, or diluted with water for a softer effect.
What do you think?

dinsdag 8 maart 2016

Paper scraps

Still drawing... :)

Today I am working on planning activities, trying to focus myself on the important things.
Lots of ideas go through my head,
focus is the problem...