dinsdag 19 mei 2015

Around the studio I found...

inspiration from the countryside. I rescued this butterfly, it was stuck in my studio. I took the opportunity to make a close-up, beautiful colour and detail. Look at his eyes...

And around the corner there were these:

dinsdag 5 mei 2015

Inspiration from Sweden

View from our cottage

We travelled through Sweden, a country full of room, silence and nature, especially off-season.
We enjoyed the landscape and the houses, the coffee with buns and the nature.
I took the occasion to visit the Zorn Museum, all about the painter Anders Zorn. I had seen some of his paintings in the Netherlands and really liked them. In the Museum there were also drawings and knives he designed himself.

Nice see-through in the old part of Eksjo

Craft everywhere, even on the roof

Enjoying nature