maandag 30 januari 2012

A bit of everything...

Hi! It's been a while since I wrote. I had to find my way around this year 2012. But I think I am getting into it now! I've been spending a lot of time in my atelier, making new paintings. I tried not to think a lot about them, but just let my intuition flow and see what this will bring, and I had fun!

This is one of them:

The art classes I am following are also very interesting, I enjoy the company of the other students and I love looking at the results. The last classes have been about models and portraits, I like this a lot.
But it is also very intensive and I find myself looking at noses, ears and hair a lot...:-0, it is almost an obsession... so I have to shift now and then to other subjects, like abstract paintings...

(pictures by student Jan)

I have also been drawing a lot in my new sketchbook, trying different techniques. I decided to use the month February again for my "A Drawing A Day" project, just to stimulate myself to post and make a drawing each day.
Do you want to join me in this project? Please let me know!

dinsdag 10 januari 2012

Colour boost

For those in need of a colour boost... I know I do.
Taken from a painting I've been working on today.