zaterdag 24 december 2011

Happy holidays!

Time has flewn by, it is the end of the year already... I am wishing you all the best for the new year, and the peace of Our Saviour, who came as a Prince of Peace, for you and me.
© ZIZOlabel, painting by me

dinsdag 20 december 2011

I love to look at the world of children

knights on the lookout at the top of their castle
animals are placed in their meadow

maandag 12 december 2011

Cloudy brooch

While I was making the tree pins from felt (see picture at the right), I also designed a cloud-brooch , with some sunshine and a friendly hello!

dinsdag 6 december 2011

Ties at Junior Masterchef

I made this drawing with one of the exercises of Carla Sonheim, you make a drawing without looking at your paper but following the contours (this explains the wonkiness and the large right shoulder...). After that you fill it with lines, I think it is called non-cheating drawings... it is one of the lessons in her book Drawing Lab. And so much fun to do. Ties is one of the participants of Junior Masterchef in the Netherlands, unfortunately he didn't make it into the following round.