donderdag 15 juli 2010

sketchbook project

There is this really fun project going on in the US. It's called the sketchbook project: one type of sketchbook with different themes, filled with sketches of all different people. Above you see the sketchbook of Kate Castelli.
These books are then exhibited all over the US, so you pick a sketchbook and it is filled with sketches about for instance the theme "Sleepless".
I am still thinking about joining, I like the theme "Figuring you out", would be good to practice sketching. Only thing is, it is all situated in the US, so you can't see any of it... Mmm, still thinking...

See for more pictures:

dinsdag 13 juli 2010


I worked on an assignment, to make a second painting, and now it is finished. I am happy with it and my customer as well! The photo is a bit dark... and the glass is mirroring...sorry about that.

photo by: ZIZOlabel

students decorated some chairs

Luckily there are still students who want to learn the skills of fabricating and decorating chairs, a really precise piece of work. Here you see some of the results of the students of HM College in Amsterdam ( There were also young furniture designers, interior designers and boatbuilders. At the end of their schoolyear they held an exhibition to show the results. We also met some people building and testing piano's, that's really amazing. Unfortunately such skills are disappearing nowadays... I really think it is a shame, those young people so enthusiastic, I'd want to give them all a brilliant career!

vrijdag 2 juli 2010

EETHUIS-project in Appeltern

A friend of mine, Marijke Bruinsma, participated in a competition to design a garden. Together with Atelier Gras ( they designed a house filled with edible vegetables and fruit. They were one of the winners of the competition and now their house can be seen live in Appeltern!

Yesterday we were there and it was the best. We replaced some of the fruits and harvested a large amount of vegetables. Their EETHUIS can be seen until October.

look at my worksurface

My worksurface is a large piece of thin cardboard. Today I noticed the different colours and shapes I've made without noticing. I took some pictures of them, and now I notice the colourcombinations which I actually really like!