maandag 22 juli 2024

People or animals?

Someone asked me the other day, what do you do for a living? I make art I said, and I love doing this. What type of art do you make? I make abstract work in layers, and portraits, amongst others. Oh, and what do you like more: painting animals or people? People I said. It turned out she was an artist too and loved drawing animals. She took out her phone and showed me, a very precise cat painting. Oh I said, nice, my own style is more loose, not so much into detail. I did not take out my phone to show my artwork, I forgot about it or I feel a bit shy about it. Anyways, we parted ways. And yes I like drawing people, so many variety, I like it. Here is a tiny portrait from my sketchbook:

Woman portrait by ZIZOlabel

 This makes me think of another artist who makes teeny tiny people drawings: @thesneakyartist on Instagram. I really like them! And so do others because his drawings appeared on the merchandise of a cafe he visited. This way art enters the everyday life.

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