maandag 25 januari 2021

A lot of red

 One of our neighbours dropped by with a gift, a bulb of the Amaryllis.

We gave it a place in our windowsill and, after some weeks of waiting, it is now flourishing in stunning red. With four flowers already and more to come.

A happy and cheerful gift :).

zaterdag 23 januari 2021

Let go

Breathe in, breathe out... look up and let your troubles go, give your brain some well-deserved rest from organizing and coping. Let nature refresh your thoughts... I find it helps.

Best wishes to you, have a nice day!


maandag 18 januari 2021

In my sketchbook

It is grey outside for some weeks now, with a ray of sunshine sometimes..., so I longed for some Spring inspiration and drew these flowers. Just practicing a bit in looking at shapes.

In my studio I am working on some larger pieces. 

maandag 11 januari 2021


 Early morning walk... frost everywhere. Slowly the sun starts spreading an orange glow.

January is a very grey month. Sometimes that is okay, but it does make me a bit impatient for more colours :).

maandag 4 januari 2021


 Gentle morning light peeping through the trees, giving us hope that better days will come!

Wishing you a year of hope: sometimes a tiny bit of hope can make all the difference...