maandag 26 april 2021

On my wall

 There are always drawings, quotes, works-in-progress on my wall. 

They lift my mood and give me inspiration :).

maandag 19 april 2021

Pen portrait drawing

In my sketchbook I am continuously making portrait drawings. They are often portraits I find in magazines, I collect them in a map for inspiration. For this one I have added colour with soft pastels.

maandag 12 april 2021

Decadent decay: leafs in shiny pearl

In our vegetable garden we found this Honesty-plant (judaspenning in Dutch). There is a variety in purple and in white. It is starting to show its flowers at this moment, it looks like this:

It grows quite large and then it produces seedpods which have a silvery colour. These are really decorative and each year I save some. They dry up like this:

Each has about 3 seeds in it, protected by a matt outer leaf. When you peel this outer leaf of, you end up with this pearly, almost transparent paper leaf... beautiful!


maandag 5 april 2021

Another decay

I saved some fruits of the Physalis-plant, normally they are a very bright orange colour. And then they slowly fade and you see the structure. And after a while it will be beige, with a frame of structure left.