dinsdag 23 november 2021

The process

During my open studio I took some in between time to just play around with some paper. From an ordinary magazine I started selecting nice colours and ripping the paper into strips. I like adding, glueing and seeing what results there are. 

For the second one I used a slightly different combination.

Glue and paper is all you need!

maandag 15 november 2021

Open studio

At the end of this week I open up my studio again for those who would like to visit. You can see my workspace, and also a part of my studio is set up like a shop where you can buy small items like cards, notebooks and bracelets. And you can see a small part of my paintings which are on display. Contact me for more information.


maandag 8 november 2021

Looking down

Walking slowly, looking at your surroundings, focusing on what your eye catches, which colours you see and what you see below your feet: it unconsciously gives me references for structures, lines and combinations. For instance these pictures I took on a forest and lakeside walk:

maandag 1 november 2021

When it rains...

... go out! I did and went for a hike, it was quiet in the forest, not many people around (no birds either, they were hiding) but nice autumn colours. And ideas for paintings, compositions and colour combinations.